Integrative SCENAR therapy in maintaining quality of life of elderly


Past webinar recorded and available for purchase and download!

Category: Downloadable webinar, WEBINAR

Did you know that during our webinars we present SCENAR information in ways people can easily understand. All the PowerPoint/Slideshow presentations are readable and topic relevant. We use clear, simple and concise statements in English that help our audience successfully translate (if needed) the presentation into any foreign language.
We pay close attention to plain language and design of our materials to enhance ease of use for all readers (not the live webinar participants) and word-for-word translations from English into any desired language.
All the techniques discussed during the webinars are shown according to the algorithms of application.

The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). SCENAR devices are cleared by the FDA for pain relief only. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
You should always ask your health care provider before using any products.
This manual is intended for limited private educational and training purposes only and is not intended for public distribution, promotion of sales or as medical advice

Aging is a universal and natural biological process, characterized by gradualness, non-simultaneity and irreversibility, leading to a decrease in adaptive capabilities and human vitality.

Geriatricians provide specialized care that focuses on prevention and management of the complex medical, psychological, and social problems that older adults experience in order to maintain and promote the independence and well-being of the elderly individual.

The main doctrine of SCENAR’s work is not nosological, but sanogenetic, which provides for the use of means that enhance the protective-adaptive mechanisms of the patient’s body, general strengthening treatment; stimulation of collagen formation and osteogenesis; specific and nonspecific hypo sensitization, increased body reactivity.

The webinar is designed to explain:

  1. Features of the elderly body. Sanogenetic mechanisms.
  2. The elderly as “difficult” patients. Polypharmacy & Polymorbidity.
  3. The goals and principles of SCENAR treatment in geriatrics.
  4. Effectiveness of SCENAR treatment.
  5. Improvement of quality of life and life expectancy. Application of SCENAR for:
  • Energy Medicine for Hormones.

              SCENAR therapy to maintain and restore the balance of immune and endocrine functions.

  • Sleep Loss and Insomnia (dyssomnias)
  • Osteoarthritis (OA) and other joint conditions

This webinar will include demonstrations on how to get the most out of your personal SCENAR device effectively and efficiently focus on Special local analgesic/pain techniques.

SCENAR Pro device users – doctors, chiropractors, other healthcare providers – do not disregard this information!!! This webinar will help you understand the personal devices and help you promote them to your patients.

Trainer – Dr.Galina Semyonova, DOM, L.Ac., L.M.T. – SCENAR practitioner of 20 years with over 13-year experience as SCENAR instructor. (

Fee – $95.00 (for 4 hours)

Duration – 4 hours.

Official language – English

Our webinars are intended for a global audience, so official language is English.

We encourage you to register to watch this interactive webinar in real time, so that you can benefit from the live Q&A where we will answer all your pressing questions throughout.

If for some reason you are unable to make the webinar, please don’t worry, you can still register to watch the recording later.

Please like, follow and share our Facebook Page @SCENARExpertise to be always up to date on our webinar schedules and have the most recent SCENAR cases and practices.


SCENAR Training – for 4 hours
WHEN – January 25th, 2024 at 11am, EST
Training download – pdf available, SCENAR Therapy® – YOUYUBE


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