A: RITMSCENAR CHANS devices are designed primarily for personal use at home for self-treatment and assistance in acute conditions and exacerbation of chronic diseases to your friends and family members.

In the acute conditions, it is preferable to treat the local areas in the SDM (subjectively dosed mode) or D-0 mode, several times a day. (Remember: SDM/ D-0 (continuous mode) is oriented to subjective sensations of an operator or a patient. It is set by default. In this mode treatment areas, time on each area and the whole session time are determined by the therapist based on the patient’s response. During the treatment in SDM you slide the device on the skin.). It is used in the presence of any active complaint to reduce pain, inflammation, swelling, to heal the fracture or a wound quickly, etc.

In the chronic diseases, a combination of IDM (individually dosed) or D-1 and SDM is required for treatment of the local and general zones. (Remember: IDM/ D-1 (objectively dosed mode, adaptive dose or expert mode) is oriented to collect information about skin resistance changes (impedance). The device gives a signal to the operator that the rate of skin impedance change has sufficiently reduced, and the treatment time is automatically determined by the device. During the treatment in IDM you re-place the device on the skin.).

The rules of work in the SDM are universal for all models of RITMSCENAR devices.

The rules and principles of work in IDM are mostly implemented for the professional devices.

For home devices, it is possible to use IDM in 2 options:

  • treating each spot to “Dose” (without searching for SA (small asymmetry));
  • treating each spot to “Dose” recording the time you get “Dose”.

SA (a spot of additional treatment) will be the place where the time of getting “Dose” is the shortest.

Additional treatment can be performed both in IDM and SDM.

In SCENAR technology, there is a concept (one of the main) of treatment zones:

  1. Local;
  2. General;
  3. Zones of active organs.

Each zone has a clear localization on the skin. In each zone, it is possible to perform treatment in both SDM and IDM modes.

To sum it up we would say that it is possible to perform some of the SENAR techniques with a home device however it will take more of your time and effort to successfully finish them. So, if you are a medical professional or have a healing therapy office, we recommend that you invest in a SCENAR Pro Plus device which will improve your treatment abilities and save you a ton of time for 1 patient.

The rules and the main features of treatment modes are taught in detail at our SCENAR therapy trainings/ seminars/ workshops.

A: Regardless of where you purchased your device RitmScenarUSA is the only official manufacturer’s representative in the USA who handles repairs.

First, you have to contact us at scenar.usa@gmail.com stating that you have a device that needs to be repaired. In response to your request we will email you a form to fill out (describing a type of malfunctioning, or the way it was possibly broken) and detailed instructions how and where to ship it.

Second, upon receiving your device our specialist in TX will look into the problem and determine the complexity of the issue. Some minor repairs can be done right here in the USA. However, more complicated issues can only be fixed at the manufacturer’s facility. After explaining and discussing the issue with the manufacturer’s engineers we will notify you how much the repairs will cost you (or if the device was bought from us and still under a warranty you will pay nothing).

You should realize that some of you are still using very old device models and in this case the manufacturer might not have the parts to repair. A very complicated issue is screens, here the whole case needs to be replaced. Also please keep in mind – in some cases it costs more to repair an old device than add a little bit more money and buy a brand new device with warranty.

The most common issue is loose/broken port for external electrodes, please pay attention and use the right cord with the right model or use the adapter cord!!!

Third, if the buyer and the manufacturer agree on the term and conditions of the repairs (through RitmScenarUSA) we will ship your device to Russia. And this can take up to 3 months (including the “travel” time oversees). If you purchased your device through RitmScenarUSA and it is still under the warranty, we will provide a rent device for the term of repairs.

A: Absolutely not. You can and should treat any acute injury – a cut, bruise, abrasion, bleeding wound – immediately. Always remember that SCENAR is the best non-invasive First Aid device.

The area of the injury may be different:

1)      If the damaged skin area is less than one electrode, it is necessary to place the device directly on the wound.

2)      If the area of the damaged skin is bigger than one electrode, the treatment performed from the periphery towards the wound. The device is placed on the border of the undamaged skin and the wound.

3)      If the wound is lacerated, treat the skin as close to the wound as possible.

In the case of the shallow cuts, small in length and depth, lacerated and bruised wounds, you can treat the damaged surface 2-3 times a day to accelerate the healing process, in a constant D-0 mode. After the SCENAR treatment you can put an aseptic bandage.

As a rule, just one SCENAR treatment at the very beginning is enough for successful healing process, a scab is formed on the damaged surface, under which the skin heals successfully within 3-5 days, after which the scab falls off.

It is recommended to perform 2-3 procedures a day.

If it is not possible to work directly on the wound (the wound is covered with a bandage/cast), then you should treat the skin around the bandage/cast, or on a symmetrical zone.

When treating a wound, the device is re-placed on the skin. The treatment time is not limited, it is necessary to get the dynamics of the complaint (reduction of pain, swelling, bleeding).

Most often, such injuries are accompanied by minor capillary bleeding (blood has a saturated red color, flows in drops, without ripple). At the beginning of SCENAR treatment the bleeding may increase slightly, the color of the blood becomes bright red. These are signs of an acceleration of the process of thrombus formation, and bleeding will stop significantly faster.

Device settings:

Professional devices: F (frequency) – high, Damping – sk2, sk4; SW1, SW3, SW4, Fm-Bio, BioF, E (energy) – uncomfortable.

Presets – Acute Pain.

Home devices: F (frequency) – 340, Fm, Am 3: 1, E (energy) – uncomfortable.

During the procedure, the parameters of the device should be alternated (this will accelerate the positive dynamics). Our training participants can look up the combination of the settings in the table for Acute Pain.

A: We are a US-located company so within the United States we schedule our trainings based on the demand. There are some areas/ states that are a little more open to the complementary medicine that the others. So, we pick these areas as an anchor SCENAR training centers and people from around and far come to us.

So far, we had a very good experience in San Francisco, Seattle, New York and Miami.

With the training abroad the situation is a little more complicated. First, there might be a national representative who takes care of all the aspects of SCENAR including distributorship and trainings. Second, the “foreign” group needs to be up to 20 people, so we can cover all our travel expenses. And preferably a local host who is going to be our contact / go-to person there. Third, the language barrier. The official language of the trainings is English, and our trainer is fluent in English too. We feel like the translation is taking half of a training time, as well as an inexperienced translator can totally misinterpret/ butcher the information to a completely opposite meaning.

So, you can always find an excuse to travel to the USA to participate in one of our trainings as well as take your time and enjoy your American vocation.

Instead of going through so many arrangements for us to come to your country.

A: A: We work with the skin that a patient provides, i.e. sometimes dirty (for example: in traveling/ camping conditions, in an emergency), and with abrasions, and with rashes, and with inflammation …
It is advisable not to wash the skin 2-3 hours before the procedure, to save the natural and chemical information.

Also, it is recommended (if possible) to avoid perfumes, make-up as well as creams and ointments on the skin.

While treating a patient try to dab/ sop up the sweat, blood, lymph, that might appear on the skin during the procedure, it is advisable not to wipe it, displacing this information onto the skin around the treated areas.

And of course, you can work on open wounds. If possible, clean the device with an antibacterial solution (alcohol), then select the tolerable energy for the wound, treat it and periodically wipe off the blood of the device.

If the skin is very dry and there is no contact, you need to find a spot where there is a SCENAR-skin contact and move towards the dry skin treating area.

Q & A with Dr.Iosif Semikatov

A: Absolutely not. You can and should treat any acute injury – a cut, bruise, abrasion, bleeding wound – immediately. Always remember that SCENAR is the best non-invasive First Aid device.

A: We prefer to conduct classroom trainings. And there are 3 reasons behind it:

  • our trainer will use the device on you to let you experience the SCENAR signal yourself (that’s why our groups are so compact up to 10-12 people, where our trainer is able to give enough attention to each participant and every student has a chance of being treated at the training),
  • our trainer will help you “develop the SCENAR therapist hand” where you learn how to properly hold and move the device on the body (pressure, direction, sliding, replacing, overlapping, circles, stickiness),
  • our trainer will show how to properly find most of the spots and areas of treatment on a real body base on the human anatomy which may differ from a picture in a book.

Also there are some basics of SCENAR therapy that can’t be taught through the screen – like signs of SCENAR therapy, search for Small Asymmetry Zones, Stickiness, Reciprocal zones, etc.
However, we share a lot of live treatments performed at our classroom training and post several videos with treatments of different areas and complaints.

A: We know that all SCENAR devices have a built-in electrode (of a coaxial shape) consisting of two parts – one is active, another is passive. The parallel arrangement of these parts of the electrode allows the device to be moved within the treatment zone. There is no current dissipation, the interelectrode space is characterized by the high dynamics.

Coaxial electrodes have the same size in all SCENAR models, which significantly increases the reliability of the information received and its comparative analysis.
In some cases, when we start a new procedure, we need to use the remote/external electrodes (Special Double Electrode (‘Pencils’), Double Cosmetic Electrode, Paravertebral Electrode “Pawns”).

In SCENAR therapy when performing a treatment procedure, we need to place the active and passive electrodes on the definite parts of the body.
For that reason, we need to determine which of the electrodes is passive and be held constantly (for example, in the patient’s hand) and which will be active and be moved along the selected treatment zone.
Turn on the SCENAR device, set the BASIC mode and select the energy that you can feel. Connect the remote electrodes.

Hold one of the electrodes in your palm. With the finger of your other hand, touch one of the parts of the built-in coaxial electrode. If you touch the active part of the built-in coaxial electrode and feel the SCENAR signal, then you have a PASSIVE electrode in your hand and vice versa.

A: Yes, it is possible. In traditional SCENAR therapy, there are recommendations for the   use of two devices according to a specific protocol.

SCENAR practitioners have developed special application techniques to improve the activation of stagnant processes in acute and chronic pain or with limited movement. Use of several devices at the same time makes it possible to stimulate different areas of the body in different ways. The resulting reactions lead to local changes such as increased blood circulation, decreased muscle tension, a change in the sensation of touch and often a visible decrease in swelling. This allows you to achieve treatment goals of reducing pain, improving muscle and joint function and improving well-being.

Treatment of chronic diseases usually consists of two stages.

  • At the first stage, simply wake up the body, making sure that it has recognized the problem, accumulated and released enough energy to fight it. Then wait a little before starting the second stage to give your body time to get stronger.
  • At the second stage, start the recovery cycle and help the body complete it, as in an acute situation.

The treatment time during a course of therapy is very individual, but generally it is not recommended to put too much stress on the body in the first stage to avoid a serious healing crisis. The use of a special local “Acceleration” technique will increase the effectiveness of SCENAR therapy.

The first option – SCENAR technique “Threes with two devices.”

The procedure is performed simultaneously with two devices on “3P6P” route: spine and paravertebral.

This technique is used:

  • when it is necessary to shift the process/ give it a push;
  • when the activity level does not match, follow active complaint;
  • when the body does not see its problems well (active complaint is on one level, and Zero @ “0” and FMVAR are on the other).

Therefore, just in these local areas, the technique can be performed.

The second option – SCENAR technique “Monad”.

The use of two devices for tension in the neck muscles and headaches is recommended by Dr. Revenko.

Alternately treat the same point by two devices with different sets of functions: on the face and Super Sternal Notch. It will cause corresponding changes in the body’s reactions to stimuli.

The third option – the use of various remote electrodes (Conductive Garments and Self-adhesive patches). Connecting them to two devices will give you the opportunity:

  • to positively support pain management after injuries;

to progress in treatment after SCENAR procedures.