RITM OKB ZAO is announcing the new series of free webinars to support our clients and provide more information about SCENAR devices and ULM Energy Blankets.
Even if you have already taken many SCENAR trainings you still might have questions about using SCENAR device and its main features or you just want a little refresher of what you’ve already learnt before.
Here’s your opportunity – we are organizing a series of FREE webinars where you’ll have the opportunity to ask and get answers to your questions live.
Hosted by RITMSCENAR USA in partnership with RITM OKB ZAO.
Our schedule for June 2021 is the following:
June 3rd, 2021, 11am NY time –2 hours
The topic: “Manual Settings Of Professional SCENAR Devices”.
SCENAR device operating characteristics
- Energy – Damping
- Frequency – ‘Swings’
- Frequency – Modulation Modes of bio controlled feedback
- Intensity + Gap – Dosing modes and Diagnostics
- Amplitude Modulation – Presets
These treatment modes can increase the efficiency of SCENAR use
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