Introductory Level to SCENAR ABC’s



Time: Apr 21, 2022 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada).

“Introductory Level to SCENAR ABC’s”

Time: Apr 21, 2022 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

This training course is designed for beginners who want to learn about SCENAR and how to properly use SCENAR. It can also be a comprehensive refresher course for more experienced SCENAR therapists.

SKU: WEB-BPM-3-3-22
Category: Downloadable webinar, WEBINAR
Tags: SCENAR technology, Training, WEBINAR

Did you know that during our webinars we present SCENAR information in ways people can easily understand. All the PowerPoint/Slideshow presentations are readable and topic relevant. We use clear, simple and concise statements in English that help our audience successfully translate (if needed) the presentation into any foreign language.
We pay close attention to plain language and design of our materials to enhance ease of use for all readers (not the live webinar participants) and word-for-word translations from English into any desired language.
All the techniques discussed during the webinars are shown according to the algorithms of application.

The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). SCENAR devices are cleared by the FDA for pain relief only. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
You should always ask your health care provider before using any products.
This manual is intended for limited private educational and training purposes only and is not intended for public distribution, promotion of sales or as medical advice

This training course is designed for beginners who want to learn about SCENAR and how to properly use SCENAR. It can also be a comprehensive refresher course for more experienced SCENAR therapists.

By participating in what we believe is an incredible introductory course, you will gain a basic understanding of SCENAR therapy.

The course consists of the following topics:

  • SCENAR therapy.
  • Areas (zones) of SCENAR application.
  • Algorithm of treatment in SDM (Subjective Dosed Mode) D-0.
  • Pain management therapy. Special analgesic/ pain techniques.
  • SCENAR therapy of pain in special cases.
  • Effective treatment method.
  • SCENAR and conductive gloves.
  • ULM Therapy.

The webinar duration is 4 hours, so it won’t be enough time to cover everything that needs to be addressed in the entry-level training so we ask those who are new to SCENAR and who have registered for the webinar to watch two 2-hour webinar recording prior to taking the course. The links will be emailed to you upon registering and paying for the webinar.

SCENAR Training – for 4 hours
WHEN – Apr 21, 2022
Training download – PDF available, YOUTUBE – available


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