SCENAR Self-Treatment of Common Illnesses and Disorders, Pain and Aches, Injuries and Trauma

SCENAR Self-Treatment of Common Illnesses and Disorders, Pain and Aches, Injuries and Trauma

turned_in_notSCENAR THERAPY, webinar
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In today’s fast-paced world, our bodies are often subjected to various stressors that can lead to discomfort and pain. Research has demonstrated that people can cope with their own symptoms in 8 out of 10 cases. Self-treatment means recognizing minor illnesses and being able to treat the symptoms, preventing health problems developing and knowing when…
SCENAR Therapy for Respiratory System Diseases

SCENAR Therapy for Respiratory System Diseases

turned_in_notIMMUNE SYSTEM, SCENAR THERAPY, webinar
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Fall and winter are traditionally considered to be respiratory disease seasons. Even a mild case of cold or viral infection can be accompanied by quite unpleasant symptoms, including runny/ stuffed nose, sore throat and cough, debilitating headaches, severe fatigue and body aches, insomnia and stomach problems that make it impossible to feel comfortable. That’s where…


turned_in_notSCENAR THERAPY, webinar
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Our webinar will include the following: Effects of SCENAR therapy in practical dentistry. Conception of Human Body Biomechanical Balance: Special SCENAR® therapy protocols for TMJ (temporomandibular joint) pain syndrome; Bruxism treatment. Complementary treatment in dental practice. SCENAR® techniques. Tooth Issues: Toothaches, Cavities, Pulpitis, Abscess; Implant Surgery: SCENAR protocols for before and after; Gingivitis; Periodontal disease;…
SCENAR TRAINING in Budapest, Hungary

SCENAR TRAINING in Budapest, Hungary

turned_in_notSCENAR THERAPY, webinar
We are pleased to announce IN–PERSON SCENAR TRAINING on NON-INVASIVE BIO CONTROLLED ELECTROSTIMULATION THERAPY – SCENAR®. The training is open to everyone with or without previous SCENAR experience. – The official language of the training is ENGLISH. SCENAR TRAINING in Budapest, Hungary November 1st – 3rd, 2024 MEET YOUR TRAINER: Dr.Iolanta Stanchak, MD (Ukraine) is…
Effective Principles Of Biocontrolled Electrotherapy For Pain In The Musculoskeletal System As A Complementary Treatment For Orthopedic Pain

Effective Principles of Biocontrolled Electrotherapy for pain in the Musculoskeletal System as a Complementary Treatment for Orthopedic Pain

turned_in_notNeurostimulation, SCENAR THERAPY, webinar
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Please join us – RITMSCENAR USA and Dr.Iolanta Stanchak, MD – for this ZOOM webinar, where you’ll learn: How to analyze spine condition for asymmetrical posture, muscular imbalance. How to work with the patient, questioning and performing functional tests to identify asymmetry of the anatomical structures of the spine. Methods of back pain management SCENAR techniques…
Objectives of SCENAR Therapy to Improve a Person’s Health-Related Quality of Life

Objectives of SCENAR Therapy to Improve a Person’s Health-Related Quality of Life

turned_in_notNeurostimulation, SCENAR THERAPY, webinar
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This free webinar is everything you need to know about SCENAR therapy is a pioneer in maintaining quality of life, based on functional system theories and biomedical engineering inventions that make it possible to influence these mechanisms. This method of physiotherapy is based on the principles of neurotherapy and non-invasive neuromodulation using the SCENAR device.…
SCENAR Treatment to Reduce Various Allergy Symptoms and Reactions. SCENAR Detox Procedures.

SCENAR Treatment to Reduce Various Allergy Symptoms

turned_in_notSCENAR THERAPY, training, webinar
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SCENAR Treatment to Reduce Various Allergy Symptoms and Reactions. SCENAR Detox Procedures. Allergies are basically an abnormal response of the immune system to a harmless substance such as pollens, fungal spores, house-dust mites, and animal epithelial materials but can also include drugs, biologic products, and insect venoms. An allergic response happens when the body’s immune…
Stress Management with SCENAR: Prevention and treatment strategy. Chronic fatigue syndrome. Scenar therapy

Stress Management with SCENAR

Stress Management with SCENAR: Prevention and treatment strategy. Chronic fatigue syndrome. Various life situations affect us often causing stress, which can become chronic. In this state, people may experience a feeling of constant anxiety, panic, and even burn out. Many people go through mood changes, they plunge into apathy, their performance decreases and nothing makes…
Integrative SCENAR therapy in maintaining quality of life of elderly. Scenar therapy

Integrative SCENAR therapy in maintaining quality of life of elderly

turned_in_notFOR PAIN RELIEF, training, webinar
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Aging is a universal and natural biological process, characterized by gradualness, non-simultaneity and irreversibility, leading to a decrease in adaptive capabilities and human vitality. Geriatricians provide specialized care that focuses on prevention and management of the complex medical, psychological, and social problems that older adults experience in order to maintain and promote the independence and…