Secrets of Efficiency of SCENAR Therapy

Secrets of Efficiency of SCENAR Therapy

turned_in_notelectrotherapy SCENAR®, SCENAR THERAPY
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What does SCENAR treat? pain of any origin inflammation swelling and allergic reactions spastic condition fever edemas cosmetic issues metabolic disorders weak general condition disfunction of organs and systems Pathological and recovery processes. Generally speaking, in SCENAR therapy we treat an active complaint which replaces nosological diagnosis. An active complaint is defined as: – A…
SCENAR therapy explained

SCENAR therapy explained

turned_in_notelectrotherapy SCENAR®, Physical Therapy, SCENAR THERAPY
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We know that the human skin and the inner organs have a tight connection through the nerve system. This connection already exists from the early stage of embryogenesis on, because both the nerve system and the skin are created from the same cells of the young embryo, the ectoderm. The nerve branches on their turn,…


turned_in_notelectrotherapy SCENAR®, Physical Therapy
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Based on the article by Perfiliev U.I., Pudeyan M.A., and Starovoitov U.U. Rostov State Medical University, Russia.   One of the principal causes negatively affecting the health of children is locomotory trauma, especially to the upper and lower extremities. Musculoskeletal injuries account for approximately 10-15% of all childhood injuries, with most occurring as a result…


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General recommendations for SCENAR procedures in case of complaints Medical contributors:  Dr. N. Loyko, MD (Ukraine) Dr. I.Semikatov, MD (Russia) Cholecystectomy is a surgical removal of the gallbladder. The reason for the surgery may be: acute cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), chronic cholecystitis with recurring exacerbations, Blockage (obstruction) of the bile duct with gallstone disease…
right decision on treatment based on the numbers.

SCENAR Therapy, right decision on treatment based on the numbers. At the SCENAR clinic.

turned_in_notelectrotherapy SCENAR®, Physical Therapy, SCENAR THERAPY
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This simple SCENAR related example (by Dr.Iolanta Stanchak) will show you that it is important to understand your device and make the right decision on treatment based on the numbers. At the SCENAR clinic. Parents had an appointment for two brothers with diagnosis Bronchial Asthma. The eldest son is 10 years old and has been…
Effectiveness of SCENAR Therapy For Treatment Of Acute Respiratory Infections And Acute Respiratory Viral Infections.

Effectiveness of SCENAR Therapy for Treatment of Acute Respiratory Infections and Acute Respiratory Viral Infections.

turned_in_notelectrotherapy SCENAR®, SCENAR device, SCENAR technology, SCENAR THERAPY
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Part 1 Acute respiratory infections of upper respiratory tract.  Grebenyuk, Ph.D., MD Acute respiratory infections (ARI) are a group of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract of diverse localization and etiology, including acute respiratory infections and acute diseases of non-infectious etiology. By localization, they are divided into diseases of the: upper respiratory tract (rhinitis (common…
SCENAR Technique – Information and Energy Cleansing, On the Spine

 SCENAR Technique  – Information and Energy Cleansing, On the Spine

turned_in_notelectrotherapy SCENAR®, SCENAR THERAPY, SENAR techniques
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Medical contributor – Dr.Iosif Semikatov, MD The purpose of the technique is to help the patient’s body redistribute the energy supply of self-regulation processes in various pathological conditions by creating a controlled stress situation in the projection of “Three Pathways” zone. The human body, as an “energy system”, is an organized complex of functionally related…
"DIABETIC FOOT SYNDROM" General recommendations for SCENAR procedures in case of complaints

“DIABETIC FOOT SYNDROM” General recommendations for SCENAR procedures in case of complaints

 Medical contributor – Dr.Iosif Semikatov, MD  The main symptoms – decreased sensitivity, hypothermia, soreness of the lower extremities – arise from disturbances in nerve conduction, a decrease in the intensity of the blood flow and a deterioration in the nutrition of the legs.  It is possible to restore the nutrition of the foot with the…
Effects of neuro-adaptive electrostimulation therapy on pain and disability in fibromyalgia

Effects of neuro-adaptive electrostimulation therapy on pain and disability in fibromyalgia

A prospective, randomized, double-blind study Udina-Cortés, Carlos PhDa; Fernández-Carnero, Josué PhDb,c,d,∗; Romano, Alberto Arribas MScb; Cuenca-Zaldívar, Juan Nicolás MSce; Villafañe, Jorge Hugo PhDf; Castro-Marrero, Jesús PhDg,∗; Alguacil-Diego, Isabel Maria PhD Fibromyalgia is a medical condition characterized by chronic widespread pain and a heightened pain response to pressure. Some people also report tiredness, sleep disorders, troubles…