Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia with SCENAR Device

Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia with SCENAR Device

turned_in_notFOR PAIN RELIEF, Neuralgia Pain
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Boris Kulizshkiy, Deputy Director for Biomedical Affairs, OKB RITM Trigeminal Neuralgia Trigeminal neuralgia is a nerve pain in the face, teeth, mouth, or nose. Attacks of pain may occur on one or both sides of the face. Trigeminal neuralgia is also called tic douloureux. How does it occur? The causes are not well understood. The…
WEBINAR SCENAR Therapy - Advanced SCENAR Techniques for Treating the Facial Neuralgia Pain

Advanced SCENAR Techniques for Treating the Facial Neuralgia Pain

turned_in_notNeuralgia Pain, SCENAR technology, training, webinar
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RITMSCENAR OKB Inc ( is the only legal and official provider of SCENAR trainings in the USA approved by the manufacturer – RITM OKB ZAO company (Taganrog, Russia). Recently, there has been particular focus on conducting the online webinars every month. Our SCENAR webinars provide a safe and convenient learning environment. We proudly bring you…