Secrets of Efficiency of SCENAR Therapy

Secrets of Efficiency of SCENAR Therapy (Part two)


What to expect from SCENAR therapy:

1st procedure – do not finalize your session until the satisfactory result is achieved.

2nd procedure – pay attention to the changes in condition and complaints, add one more area to treat.

3rd procedure – usually the beginning of changes in the general state (improvement of sleep, appetite, mood, increase of energy level and working capacity). Main complaints are gone.

You will notice improvement of function earlier than any change in anatomic structure will occur. The general sate will improve earlier than the physiological constants (e.g., high blood pressure: return to the normal general state will happen before the normalization of pressure figures).

4th procedure – a healing crisis can occur, if you boost adaptive reactions too much. If you begin your treatments in the time of a remission of a chronic disease, you will always have it. Be prepared.

You will also notice the positive dynamics of other diseases (Have been treating one disease cured another one alongside).

The body, being fine-tuned, will continue healing long after your treatments are finalized. The final results must be assessed, and comparative tests taken not earlier than in 2-3 months.


SCENAR therapy particularities

In order to be healed your body should have your proactive participation. Don’t wait for anybody to heal you. Nobody can grant your health. Health is something that must be pursuit.

Analyze problems, not just main complaints

3 a.m. is the time when sympathetic-parasympathetic systems exchange dominance.

It is important to make connections between present problems – and problems from the past, connections between all emotions and all pathologies.

Restoration of function is always the body’s priority.

In the process of therapy (during the course) all powerful external influences on the body have to be minimized.

SCENAR therapy is a teamwork where SCENAR practitioner becomes a part of the healing unit along with the person being treated. Patient is always actively involved in the treatment process.

Each SCENAR procedure is a creative act, falling under the principle here and now. We will work on the complaint, and, when the success is achieved, will treat the system in whole

Being a doctor, a psychiatrist, and a priest – 3 in 1 – you will spend a lot of time with your patient.

You will go with your patient through his entire healing cycle, and your leading marks will be complaints and the skin changes, as the hints, which the body gives us.

Your efficiency will depend on your own condition as a physician. Your energy will interact with the patient’s field.

SCENAR practitioners heal themselves in their daily work. SCENAR will change your energetics and influence your personality (maybe, the positive energy of your healed patients). SCENAR therapy is addictive.

All effects are fast, intense, and long-lasting.


Healing will be happening in accordance with the Herrings laws which are the following:

Rule 1.

A disease is cured from top to bottom.

All the processes in the body go in this direction. Also, this direction is used in “General Vector Rule”. This is the vector of moving the device on the skin during the treatment. The therapist moves SCENAR from top to bottom (and from left to right).

Rule 2.

The disease is treated from inside out.

During the treatment, you can see that different kinds of substances are removed from the body. They go out through the nose, GI tract, through the skin as soon as the excretion process is activated during the treatment. Sometimes patients are a little anxious, when they experience such effects as coughing, diarrhea and other like that. That is why the therapist should explain the essence of these processes, which the healing process is in elimination of different toxic and useless substances from the body.

Rule 3.

A disease is treated from the so-called “more important” to the so-called “less important” organs.

It means that the healing process in the organs which are “more important” for the body goes on in a more intensive way than in those which are “less important”. Of course, the use of the words “more” or “less important” is rather approximate here because all the organs are important in general. But you can see, for example, that bronchi will be cleaned a little earlier and the nose a little later when you treat a patient with that kind of the combined health issue.

Rule 4.

The treatment is performed in the time direction from nowadays back to the earlier times. This means that the body’s problems of today are solved in the first place and the problems of the earlier life periods are solved later on. In the end of the healing process one can see the signs of childhood diseases. These diseases will be the last on the list to be treated.

Warning: You need to explain these principles of treatment to your patients as soon as you see some signs of the described processes, to avoid the misunderstanding from the patient’s side.



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