
(Alexander Deda based on the book “Joint Acupuncture” by Pak Jae Woo)

The human body is an integral system in which organs, organ systems, and body parts are interconnected. There is a connection between the internal organs and joints of the body.

This connection is based on the sequence of intrauterine formation of organs and body systems and their further development in the embryonic period. First, the brain and spinal cord develop, then the organs of the chest, then the organs of the abdominal cavity. The limbs with their joints extend either from the chest – arms, or from the abdomen – legs, therefore the condition of the internal organs is associated with the condition of the limbs and their joints.

Thus, through the joints of the limbs or through the corresponding joints on the hands and feet, it is possible to diagnose and establish the condition of the corresponding organs.

The joints of the human body are an integral part of its energy system. Active energy flows surround each joint of the body and the corresponding joints on the hands and feet. These are very promising areas for treatment.

Each joint of the body, hand and foot is associated with a specific internal organ. Understanding these connections allows us to carry out the process of diagnosis and treatment of diseases of internal organs and their corresponding joints at home and to use them in medical institutions.

In liver diseases, for example, in chronic hepatitis, the therapeutic effect should be exerted on the right ankle joint, which is connected with the liver, or in the standard correspondence system – on the lower interphalangeal joint of the third (middle) finger of the hand or foot. In the circumference of these joints, painful points will be determined, and this indicates the connection of this joint with the liver. These joints are often painful.

Adequate treatment of hepatitis will lead to an improvement in the condition of the corresponding joints.

In kidney diseases, the effect should be exerted on the right knee joint, which is connected with the kidneys, or in the standard correspondence system – on the upper interphalangeal joint of the third (middle) finger of the hand or foot. In the circumference of the listed joints, there will be painful points that arise with pathology in the kidneys. These joints are often painful. Treatment of kidney disease will lead to the disappearance of pain in the corresponding joints.

In case of diseases of the heart and its large vessels, the impact should be made on the left shoulder or metacarpophalangeal joints of the second (index) finger of the left hand or on the metatarsus – phalangeal joint of the second toe of the left foot, which are connected with the heart. In the circumference of these joints there will be painful points connected with heart pathology. These joints are often painful. Effective treatment of cardiac pathology will lead to the disappearance of pain in the above joints.

In case of stomach diseases (gastritis, peptic ulcer), the effect should be on the left wrist joint or on the lower interphalangeal joint of the fifth finger (little finger) of the left hand or foot. These joints are connected with the stomach. In the area of these joints there will be painful points that occur with stomach pathology. These joints are often painful. Treatment of stomach diseases will lead to the disappearance of pain in the above joints.

In case of bladder diseases (cystitis, prostatitis, enuresis), the effect should be on the left knee joint or on the upper interphalangeal joint of the third (middle) finger of the left hand or foot. These joints are connected with the bladder. In the area of these joints there will be painful points that occur with bladder pathology. These joints are often painful. Treatment of bladder diseases will lead to the disappearance of pain in the above joints.

In case of diseases of the brain, the impact should be exerted on the intervertebral joint between the seventh cervical and first thoracic vertebrae (C-7 and Th-1) or through the correspondence system on the metacarpophalangeal joint of the first (big) finger of the hand (thumb ) or foot. These joints are connected with the brain. There will be painful points in the area of these joints. These joints are often painful. The treatment of diseases of the brain will lead to the disappearance of pain in the above-mentioned joints.

In case of diseases of the large intestine (colitis, constipation), the impact should be exerted on the left hip joint or right shoulder joint and on the corresponding metacarpophalangeal joint of the third (middle) finger of the left hand or metatarsophalangeal joint of the third (middle) toe of the left foot. These joints are connected with the large intestine. There will be painful points in the area of these joints. These joints are often painful. Treatment of diseases of the large intestine will lead to the disappearance of pain in the above-mentioned joints.

The endocrine glands are associated with the wrist and tarsal joints on the hands and feet, as well as with the nail plates of the fingers and toes. However, the wrist and tarsal joints are not manifested and cannot be targeted, so the therapeutic effect in endocrine diseases and disorders can be exerted on the nail plates of the fingers.


A.       Search for painful points and zones of correspondence in the area of joints corresponding to a certain disease.
The matter of choosing a joint depends on its painfulness. The most painful joint with the most painful points should be chosen.
Large joints have a different number of surfaces for treatment.
In addition, some joints have special points or zones, when influencing which, the treatment is more effective.

B.       An important part of the procedures for any joint treatment is the dynamic load before, during and after the procedure. Before SCENAR treatment, it is necessary to find out the volume of passive movements (performed by the therapist) and active movements (performed by the patient). Particular attention should be paid to the existing limitations of mobility, as a result of pain and swelling.

C.       During the procedure, every few minutes, the patient should be asked to move the limb and focus on the sensations in the joint that is being treated at the moment. The pain may decrease or migrate. In the case of local treatment methods, pain migration is a key symptom. It is necessary to interrupt the treatment of the current point and move it to the point where the pain has moved (if the migrated pain is local and specific, if the pain is spread over the area – the technique should be continued, but the patient’s attention should be drawn to the dynamics – a positive reaction of the body).

SCENAR therapy is a safe and highly effective diagnostic and treatment system with far-reaching applications including pain management, rehabilitation.

Use SCENAR therapy for acute and chronic pain and adjuvant rehabilitation, including trigger point treatment for rapid pain control, and you will significantly improve the quality of your practice.

SCENAR therapy will be complementary to accelerate tissue healing and to improve the penetration of medical ointments (electroporation) prescribed by the doctor

***This article is not a definitive guide, it covers some aspects of the theory.


Tags: electrotherapy SCENAR®, SCENAR THERAPY

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