SCENAR Self-Treatment of Common Illnesses and Disorders, Pain and Aches, Injuries and Trauma

SCENAR Self-Treatment of Common Illnesses and Disorders, Pain and Aches, Injuries and Trauma


Did you know that during our webinars we present SCENAR information in ways people can easily understand. All the PowerPoint/Slideshow presentations are readable and topic relevant. We use clear, simple and concise statements in English that help our audience successfully translate (if needed) the presentation into any foreign language.
We pay close attention to plain language and design of our materials to enhance ease of use for all readers (not the live webinar participants) and word-for-word translations from English into any desired language.
All the techniques discussed during the webinars are shown according to the algorithms of application.

In today’s fast-paced world, our bodies are often subjected to various stressors that can lead to discomfort and pain. Research has demonstrated that people can cope with their own symptoms in 8 out of 10 cases. Self-treatment means recognizing minor illnesses and being able to treat the symptoms, preventing health problems developing and knowing when to call for outside medical help. While seeking professional medical help is always advised, SCENAR self-treatment techniques can complement conventional treatments and promote the body’s ability to recover. SCENAR self-treatment could offer effective ways for healing.

Being your own SCENAR therapist is about taking command to develop and implement the skills necessary to better anticipate and manage health challenges. In other words, SCENAR self-treatment is an informal intervention delivered by yourself to yourself, without the input of a trained SCENAR therapist.

This webinar explores the benefits of SCENAR self-treatment and provides practical tips for managing different health conditions and pain of different origin.

Our webinar will include the following:

  1. Holistic principles of SCENAR-Therapy.
  3. Multi-Factorial mechanisms of SCENAR-analgesia. The methods of pain control.
  4. Matrix SCENAR treatment recommendations for acute conditions. Local zone.
  5. Lymphatic drainage massage of face and neck.
  6. SCENAR Technique “Zones of General Adaptation Systems”
    • SCENAR Technique “3 Pathways on the Front of the Body”
    • The 3 Pathways method on the extremities
    • Abdomen zone
    • Color Zone
  1. SCENAR therapy in special cases:
    • A coughing spasm. Treatment Zones
    • Special local treatment of the nasal cavity
    • Before and after the tooth extraction
    • Joint replacement
    • External Electrodes. Gloves and Garments
  1. Always Travel with SCENAR®

By attending this webinar, you will have new perspectives on the successful use of Bio-Controlled electric therapy in treatment of patients affected by respiratory diseases.

Our Trainer: Dr.Iolanta Stanchak, MD (Ukraine) is an experienced SCENAR specialist and trainer. Dr.Iolanta is a well-known SCENAR therapist among the patients and doctors from Europe. She successfully conducts monthly webinars for US audiences and participants from all over the world.

Past webinar

Past webinar recorded and available for purchase and download! You can find it on the link.

Our webinars are intended for a global audience, so official language is English.

We encourage you to register to watch this interactive webinar in real time, so that you can benefit from the live Q&A where we will answer all your pressing questions throughout.

If for some reason you are unable to make the webinar, please don’t worry, you can still register to watch the recording later.

Please like, follow and share our Facebook Page @ScenarExpertise or join our group SCENAR®Therapy  (SCENAR® therapy | Facebook) to be always up to date on our webinar schedules and have the most recent SCENAR cases and practices. A share from you would seriously help a lot with the growth of our FB page.

Should you have any questions, or wish to place an order, please feel free to contact us at or (817) 228–2636 Olga Davis, PhD, Executive Administrator, Training and Support.


Tags: SCENAR THERAPY, webinar

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