Eyes provide the ability to see clearly. Eye diseases reflect a failure to see.
You don’t like what you see or don’t want to see in your life.
Negative emotions accumulate and create vision problems.
Most eye diseases occur against the background of general pathology of the body.
The atherosclerotic process, vascular, metabolic, and endocrine disorders are significant.
These disorders accompany optic nerve atrophy
Refractive errors (asthenia of the accommodative muscle plays an important role against the background of a general weakening of the body, disorders of the immune system with genetic susceptibility) are no exception. Eye diseases such as keratitis, conjunctivitis, chorioretinitis, etc. caused by an infectious focus in the body.
The approach to the treatment of eye diseases should be based on the general condition of the body. Treatment should be comprehensive and adequate, taking into account the characteristics of eye pathology and common concomitant diseases.
SCENAR therapy provides a truly unique opportunity to influence both local and general pathological processes.
- Eye Health. General Instruction. Reciprocal zone.
- Acute Eye Conditions and Disorders
- A Natural Eye Surgery Alternative. Treatment of eye pathologies.
Eye tiredness. Spasm of accommodation. Myopia (nearsightedness or shortsightedness). Hypermetropia (hyperopia, farsightedness, longsightedness). Amblyopia (lazy eye).
Spastic strabismus (crossed eyes). Astigmatism.
4 Recommendations: age-related “farsightedness”, computer vision syndrome (CVS), the “dry eye”, or the sicca syndrome,
Insulin resistance is a condition in which the body’s cells become less sensitive to insulin.
Eye complications (diabetic retinopathy)
Past webinar
Past webinar recorded and available for purchase and download! You can find it on the link.
This is an advanced webinar for SCENAR professionals.
Our webinars are intended for a global audience, so official language is English.
Our trainer: Dr.Iolanta Stanchak, MD (Ukraine) is an experienced SCENAR specialist and trainer.
During this 4-hour webinar Dr. Iolanta will show her approach to working with SCENAR, which will give you much more confidence when working with your patients.
We encourage you to register to watch this interactive webinar in real time, so that you can benefit from the live Q&A where we will answer all your pressing questions throughout. If for some reason you are unable to make the webinar, please don’t worry, you can still register to watch the recording later.
Please like, follow and share our Facebook Page ScenarExpertise to be always up to date on our webinar schedules and have the most recent SCENAR cases and practices.
Should you have any questions, or wish to place an order, please feel free to contact us at Scenar.USA@gmail.com or (817) 228–2636 Olga Davis, PhD, Executive Administrator, Training and Support.