Whenever we take our four-legged friends outside for a walk, they go crazy. It is not uncommon for anyone who has spent a significant amount of time walking their dogs to find that while dogs are our best friends, overexcited dog on a leash though can hurt. We never know when our dog might get interested in a squirrel or cat.
So, the most common mechanism of injury is that the dog pulls you on a leash. Of course, it has happened to every parent of a dog at least once that a sharp tug on the leash shakes a fur parent, causing a new injury or aggravating an old one.
Among the most painful DRIs (Dog Related Injuries), caused by walking a dog that pulls, are.
- Sprains of the interphalangeal and metacarpophalangeal joints of the fingers;
- Wrist ligament injuries;
- Elbow ligament injuries (similar to tennis and golfer’s elbow) and forearm muscle strains.