Setting the parameters SCENAR® PRO

Setting the parameters SCENAR® PRO


1# Switching on and setting the parameters. SCENAR-1-NT.


2# Dose 1 and Dose 2 modes and their differences. SCENAR-1-NT.


3# Digital screening (Dose 3) and Acupuncture expertise (Dose 5). SCENAR-1-NT.


4# Dynamic screening – the newest expert mode (worldwide patented). SCENAR-1-NT.


5# Treatment energy adjustment according to sensations. SCENAR-1-NT.


6# Treatment energy and the receptive body structures. SCENAR-1-NT.


7# Amplitude modulation (AM): Signal/Pause. SCENAR-1-NT.


8# Frequency Modulation (the universal mode). SCENAR-1-NT.


9# SWING – activation therapy. SCENAR-1-NT.


10# Which tissues the frequency influences. SCENAR-1-NT.


11# How to make painful influence non-painful. SCENAR-1-NT.


12# Comfort way to increase the treatment energy and depth. SCENAR-1-NT.


13# Controlling the signal penetration depth. SCENAR-1-NT.



Tags: Parameters SCENAR® PRO, VideoManualScenar

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  • Glenroy Robinson
    06/24/2021 12:29 PM

    Hope things are OK, I am not receiving any reply from you June 22th I am worried you are not receiving my emails. Please give me the status of my order with the tracking number.

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