WEBINAR SCENAR Therapy. Back Pain Management

Back Pain Management. SCENAR Therapy of Acute and Chronic Back Pain

Dear friends Back pain is the highest contributor to some extend of disability worldwide, impacting every aspect of a person’s life. Most treatment approaches to the management of back pain offer small to moderate treatment effects at best. SCENAR therapy provides the quickest and long-lasting relief however it requires knowledge and skills to perform the…
WEBINAR SCENAR Therapy - Advanced SCENAR Techniques for Treating the Facial Neuralgia Pain

Advanced SCENAR Techniques for Treating the Facial Neuralgia Pain

turned_in_notNeuralgia Pain, SCENAR technology, training, webinar
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RITMSCENAR OKB Inc (ritmscenarusa.com) is the only legal and official provider of SCENAR trainings in the USA approved by the manufacturer – RITM OKB ZAO company (Taganrog, Russia). Recently, there has been particular focus on conducting the online webinars every month. Our SCENAR webinars provide a safe and convenient learning environment. We proudly bring you…
Physiokey is not SCENAR!

Physiokey is not SCENAR!

turned_in_notNOT Scenar, Physiokey and Sanakey
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Many clients have been misled to think that Physiokey and Sanakey are the latest SCENAR® devices, made in Germany. The truth is that the former RITM OKB’s distributor in Germany tried to reproduce a year 2000 model RITM SCENAR® and released it on the market in 2015, using the established brand name SCENAR®. The so…
SCENAR Therapy In The Body Functions Recovery Of Athletes After Training

Comparison of The Effectiveness Of SMC And SCENAR® Therapy In The Body Functions Recovery Of Athletes After Training

turned_in_notelectrotherapy SCENAR®, SCENAR device, training
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It is well known that the recovery of athletes after the muscle activity is an extremely important problem. Under recovery we understand a complex of processes in the body leading to normalization of the physical and psychological capacity after different kinds of strain. In order to make the optimal choice a comparative analysis of the…
WEBINAR SCENAR Therapy. SCENAR As an Effective/Powerful Tool For Rehabilitation of Patients Affected By Infectious Disease/ virus

SCENAR as a Powerful Tool for Rehabilitation of Patients Affected By Infectious Disease/ Virus.

turned_in_notelectrotherapy SCENAR®, SCENAR, training
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Dear friends, Due to popular demand RITMSCENAR OKB Inc (USA) is excited to announce our new SCENAR webinar, which might be helpful for you and your patients who go through the negative consequences of the infamous virus. TOPIC:  SCENAR as a Powerful Tool for Rehabilitation of Patients Affected By Infectious Disease/ Virus.   WHEN: March…
SCENAR® treatment for natural pain management

SCENAR® effectively and rapidly treats acute pain, increases range of movement and promotes faster healing

turned_in_notelectrotherapy SCENAR®, FOR PAIN RELIEF, SCENAR THERAPY
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Winter is here… Winter storms generate precipitation at low temperatures such as snow, sleet, and freezing rain. Risks due to winter storms can include traffic accidents on icy roads, heart attacks from shoveling snow, or hypothermia from prolonged exposure to the cold. Right after the trauma the injured person visits the doctor, also a chiropractor…
WEBINAR SCENAR Therapy. contact us at Scenar.USA@gmail.com or (817) 228–2636 Olga Davis, PhD, Executive Administrator, Training and Support


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SCENAR technology webinar: Invitation RITMSCENAR OKB Inc is the only legal and official provider of SCENAR trainings in the USA approved by the manufacturer. Our SCENAR webinars provide a safe and convenient learning environment. We proudly bring you the best in SCENAR therapy. Our materials are suitable for SCENAR professionals who aim at increasing and…
pain relief


turned_in_notelectrotherapy SCENAR®, FOR PAIN RELIEF, SCENAR THERAPY
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Sinus and airway problems can be debilitating, especially if they are chronic: Exhausting sinus pressures that respond to alternating courses of antibiotics and steroids almost every month. Frequent ear infections, including the need for ear tubes. When it seems that the cold is passing, another comes. It may seem like a hopeless and endless cycle.…