Effects of neuro-adaptive electrostimulation therapy on pain and disability in fibromyalgia

Effects of neuro-adaptive electrostimulation therapy on pain and disability in fibromyalgia


A prospective, randomized, double-blind study

Udina-Cortés, Carlos PhDa; Fernández-Carnero, Josué PhDb,c,d,∗; Romano, Alberto Arribas MScb; Cuenca-Zaldívar, Juan Nicolás MSce; Villafañe, Jorge Hugo PhDf; Castro-Marrero, Jesús PhDg,∗; Alguacil-Diego, Isabel Maria PhD

Fibromyalgia is a medical condition characterized by chronic widespread pain and a heightened pain response to pressure. Some people also report tiredness, sleep
disorders, troubles with memory, as well as restless legs syndrome, bowel or bladder problems, numbness and tingling and sensitivity to noise, lights or temperature. Fibromyalgia is frequently associated with depression, anxiety and posttraumatic stress disorder.

In other words, fibromyalgia is classed as a disorder of pain processing due to abnormalities in how pain signals are processed in the central nervous system.

The cause of fibromyalgia is unknown; therefore, the treatment can be difficult.

However, SCENAR therapist take it as a challenge. Most of the symptoms can be treated successfully with SCENAR.

So, the team of researchers led by Carlos Udina-Cortés, PhDa; pioneered in evaluating the effectiveness of non-invasive neuro-adaptive electro regulation therapy for treating chronic pain and disability in patients with fibromyalgia.

The results of the research were published in Medicine:

Effects of neuro-adaptive electrostimulation therapy on pain… : Medicine (lww.com)
December 18, 2020 – Volume 99 – Issue 51 – p e23785

Effects of neuro-adaptive electrostimulation therapy on pain and disability in fibromyalgia

A prospective, randomized, double-blind study

Udina-Cortés, Carlos PhDa; Fernández-Carnero, Josué PhDb,c,d,∗; Romano, Alberto Arribas MScb; Cuenca-Zaldívar, Juan Nicolás MSce; Villafañe, Jorge Hugo PhDf; Castro-Marrero, Jesús PhDg,∗; Alguacil-Diego, Isabel Maria PhD


Tags: electrotherapy SCENAR®, FOR PAIN RELIEF, Neurostimulation, SCENAR, SCENAR technology

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