(By Dr.Iolanta Stanchak, MD)
Nowadays viruses are changing a lot and there are no good dedication for treating viral infections and those that are available sometimes cause very serious complications. Modern technology for the production of drugs to combat viral infections can hardly keep up with the modification of these viruses.
Recently, the modification of various coronavirus infections has caused complications on the nervous system and the innervation of organs is impaired. In this case, symptoms such as cough often appear that cannot be treated with medications. The use of drugs does not bring the desired relief since the cause of this cough is a spasm of the bronchi caused by over excitation of the nervous system – sympathetic or parasympathetic divisions – which was damaged by a viral infection.
Neurological symptoms after coronavirus infection can manifest in other parts of the body, sometimes even digestive and gastrointestinal disorders. So, gastrointestinal diseases (abdominal pain that does not respond to rapid drug treatment) are caused by a violation of the innervation of the stomach or intestinal organs.
The endocrine system, together with the nervous system, has a regulatory effect on all other organs and systems of the body, forcing it to function as a whole system. Disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system (such as the pancreas, gallbladder) lead to a malfunction of the internal organs and they begin to perform their functions poorly.
To solve such problems, a METHOD that works with the autonomic nervous system is needed and this is NEUROADAPTIVE THERAPY, aimed at optimizing the nervous information and neurovegetative functions involved in various pathologies. Neuroadaptive regulation is an innovative non-invasive technique of neural therapy and neuromodulation, which has demonstrated excellent clinical results that exceed expectations when other methods have not achieved the desired results. To carry out this therapy, we use the SCENAR® device (Self-controlled Energy-Neuro Adaptive Regulator).
So, disease is an incomplete protective and adaptive reaction of human life activity, that is, the body has not completed the adaptation reaction after exposure to a pathogenic irritant, in this case a virus (in our case, we are now talking about viral diseases). When the virus affected (attacked) the body, its immune system worked very slowly, and the virus had time to multiply.
Three options for the development of the body’s response reactions after exposure to a viral infection can be assumed
1) The virus has entered the body, but the body’s immune system is strong, and all defense systems are working fine, body has enough energy for the rapid production of antibodies.
SCENAR therapy during this period is recommended as “preventive”.
- SCENAR Techniques “Basic Energy Vaccination“
- General regulation techniques (3Р6Р)
- Special coronavirus vaccinations SCENAR Techniques.
For the prevention of acute respiratory viral diseases, use SCENAR to treat the following areas for normalization of the immune system.
In this case, the person does not even notice that he quickly developed antibodies and destroyed the virus, that is, when a person encounters the virus, he does not always get sick.
2) The virus has entered the body, but a person has already had some health complications (e.g. hypothermia or of stress), that is, the body is already working on something, it has turned on its protective reactions, and it does not have enough energy to work to the end.
Alleviate the cause of the disease with the help of special Matrix SCENAR-treatment for the bronchopulmonary and gastrointestinal system and for the lymph.
The course of the disease is mild and without complications, such as pneumonia and bronchitis.
3) The virus has affected the body, the body is busy with something else, maybe a person has some kind of chronic disease, chronic stress, lack of sleep, poor nutrition where the body is trying to remove toxins, and it does not have the time and energy to destroy the virus.
The virus has multiplied in the body and this is a disease of the body. The body tried, turned on the recovery processes to remove the virus, but did not complete it to the end and in this case a person feels/ experiences the symptoms of the disease.
Based on the principles of neurophysiology, neuroanatomy and pathophysiology, we have achieved significant success in the application of the SCENAR method for various pathologies: immunological and endocrine.
By acting on the skin receptors with SCENAR, we work with the nervous system. Through the nerve receptors we can “turn on” the autonomic nervous system and turn on the body’s defense as well as the immune and endocrine part of the adaptation system to complete the body’s protective adaptive response.
We alleviate the cause of the disease with the help of special Matrix SCENAR-treatment
- Drainage
- SCENAR for ENERGY. SCENAR general energizing effect
- SCENAR for Balancing Immune System
- General regulation techniques
Local treatment zones:
Special local treatment of the nasal cavity.
- Reflexogenic zones “Abdomen zone”
- Projection of the kidneys.
In fact, SCENAR is a medical device that activates the body’s own adaptive processes and helps restore homeostatic function. This reduces stress and effectively alters the symptoms of pain and various dysfunctions. SCENAR – non-drug method of treatment – aims at correcting pathological changes by triggering the mechanisms of self-regulation of impaired functions, which in turn leads to the launch of the body’s self-healing process.