Perspective for the Treatment and Prevention of Diseases in Dogs by SCENAR Device

Perspective for the Treatment and Prevention of Diseases in Dogs by SCENAR Device


The idea of using SCENAR therapy in veterinary is very promising. This is primarily related to the main doctrine of this method of treatment, which is not pathogenetic, but sanogenetic in nature. Therefore, the animal is a “carrier” of the disease. SCENAR method of treatment “turns on” the process of self-healing given by the nature. A feature of veterinary medicine is the lack of verbal contact between a therapist and a “patient”. This makes it difficult to diagnose and treat animals in a number of diseases. Therefore, it is relevant to use the universal SCENAR method, with the help of which, already in the early stages of the disease, you can get a quick therapeutic effect.

Indications for the use of SCENAR therapy are the prevention and treatment of the non-infectious and infectious diseases in animals/ pets. This is possible both in combination with traditional methods of medication therapy, and independently. This treatment is especially relevant in the presence of allergic and concomitant diseases. The need for the use of SCENAR device and the treatment is determined by the veterinarian. The device can be used both in the clinic and directly at the location of the animal (at home by the owner). There are no special requirements for the place and time of the procedure. During SCENAR treatment, as a rule, additional fixation of the animal is not required. The animal must be in the comfortable position (sometimes the therapist needs to get on the floor). The adjustment of E (Energy) level during the treatment is individual based on the observation of the animal and always starts from minimal. The animal should not experience any unpleasant sensations from the therapeutic effect.

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Tags: Neurostimulation, SCENAR device, SCENAR technology

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