September SCENAR training in Wisconsin

SCENAR technology webinars


Dear friends and colleagues

We are glad to share a new webinars about SCENAR devices, which might be of use for your SCENAR business.
We are working on 3 webinars / ZOOM / online seminars.
Fee -$75.00 each.

1.September 17-18, 2020 11:00am EST
SCENAROMA stands for SCENAR and AROMA Therapy.
SCENAR therapy is noninvasive sophisticated technology.
Aroma therapy uses biologically grown essential oils
Through the use of essential oils and SCENAR signal, SCENAROMA therapy assists the body’s natural ability to balance, regulate, heal and maintain itself.

Trainer – Dr. Elena Rassomakhina, MD, Sweden.

2. September 28th, 2020 11:00am “EST
“SCENAR THERAPY and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome”
Thanks to SCENAR therapy, we have advanced opportunities for a deeper regulation of our adaptation and immunity. The goal of SCENAR therapy is to help our body return to its original state of openness, functionality, as well as restore its general condition and get rid of specific complaints.

Trainer – Galina Semyonova L.Ac., L.M.T, NYC, NY USA

3. October 6th,2020 11:00 EST
“Pain Relief SCENAR Effect on Joints Health. General rules of SCENAR THERAPY”
SCENAR treatment system has been shown to provide pain relief, accelerate the resolution of pathological processes, diminish symptoms, and reduce inflammation. The effects appear to be fast, intense, and long lasting

Trainer – Boris Kulizhskiy, physiologist, psychologist and deputy director for biomedical affairs in RITM OKB ZAO


Tags: online seminars, Physical Therapy, SCENAR, SCENAR THERAPY, training

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3 Comments. Leave new

  • Dr. Kiana DC
    10/08/2020 3:00 PM

    Thanks for planning that. Messaged a friend in UK about this November webinar. She uses a SCENAR on herself but doesn’t have experience. Hillary RN
    For future seminars I wonder if you have considered showing protocols on a real person that is there with the presenter. This may involve using a camera other than the computer one and a bit of logistics associated to that. But it certainly is a lot less work and expense than everyone traveling, paying hotel stay and renting a conference room. I look forward to continuing learning in this webinar format.

  • Thank you very much Tamara and Olga , I enjoyed all three webinars. I hope these are not the last ones; I would love to continue training with experts like you.

  • Dr Kasia DC
    10/13/2020 2:44 PM

    THANK You, Brilliant.! Dr. Laura DC
    About my feedback: the seminar was well done and informative. I like better the format of asking questions at the end of each segment rather than at the very end of the presentation (as with Galina). I feel we can assimilate the information better by asking in context and not having to write down and remember, and go back to what was said.

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