Effective Principles Of Biocontrolled Electrotherapy For Pain In The Musculoskeletal System As A Complementary Treatment For Orthopedic Pain

Effective Principles of Biocontrolled Electrotherapy for pain in the Musculoskeletal System as a Complementary Treatment for Orthopedic Pain


Did you know that during our webinars we present SCENAR information in ways people can easily understand. All the PowerPoint/Slideshow presentations are readable and topic relevant. We use clear, simple and concise statements in English that help our audience successfully translate (if needed) the presentation into any foreign language.
We pay close attention to plain language and design of our materials to enhance ease of use for all readers (not the live webinar participants) and word-for-word translations from English into any desired language.
All the techniques discussed during the webinars are shown according to the algorithms of application.

Please join us – RITMSCENAR USA and Dr.Iolanta Stanchak, MD – for this ZOOM webinar, where you’ll learn:

  1. How to analyze spine condition for asymmetrical posture, muscular imbalance.
  2. How to work with the patient, questioning and performing functional tests to identify asymmetry of the anatomical structures of the spine.
  3. Methods of back pain management
  4. SCENAR techniques for eliminating pelvic distortion, leg asymmetry, muscle imbalance and other anomalies in the functioning of the spine and the musculoskeletal system as a whole.
    •  Special technique on Collar Zone (CZ).
    • “Shoulder Scapular SCENAR Therapy Methods”
    •  SCENAR procedures on “Abdominal Zone”
    •  Reciprocal zone on the spine
  1. When the complaint (pain) is localized in the extremities. Local treatment techniques.
  2. Pain management of special cases.
    • Lumbosacral radiculopathy (three types of pain). Sciatica, pain in the knee (meniscus).
    • Shoulder-arm syndrome: fingers numbness.
    • Fibromyalgia treatment with SCENAR.

Past webinar

Past webinar recorded and available for purchase and download! You can find it on the link.

Join us live for the chance to have your questions personally answered by Dr.Iolanta during the Q&A session.

Our webinars are intended for a global audience, so official language is English.

Should you have any questions, or wish to place an order, please feel free to contact us at Scenar.USA@gmail.com or (817) 228–2636 Olga Davis, PhD, Executive Administrator, Training and Support.


Tags: Neurostimulation, SCENAR THERAPY, webinar

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